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fAfB fCfD fEfF fGfH fIfJ fKfL fMfN fOfP fQfR fSfT fUfV fWfX fYfZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
S.R.R. fast food +circle 30
SHAREKHAN fast trade 36
SIZZLE-FIZZLE fast food 30
SNAPPY fast food 16, 30
SNAPPY fast foods +fan 30
SPEEDY CHOW fast asian 43
SRR S.R.R. fast food +circl 30
STAR ONE ONE fast food +sta 42
STRUCT-fast 6
SUMI fast 5
THE BIG BITE fast food 42
TRUPTI fast mix 7
UV-fast 1
VAMICOL rb super fast 16
a AV fast 35
al bake the fast food joint 29
df DOMINO'S fast foods 29
fade fast 3
fresh en fast foods +square 30
g GRACO fast-flo 7
grow fast +woman & child 30
hazma fast +man 5
metal fast 6
rice indian fast food 42
super fast MAHARAJA +man 3
super fast in devnagari 16
fastac cream 5
BOVINE-fastact 5
fasten-KIT 1
JOTO tag fastener 26
PURILON +zip fastener 26
BCL zip fasteners 26
CHERRY snap fasteners 26
FF fasteners & fittings 6
GARG fasteners 6
PONY snap fasteners 26
fasteners 16
SDI fasteners 6
SKS fasteners 6
STL fasteners +hexagon 6
UNILOC fasteners 6
F FACIL flexible fastening 6, 20
FASTAIR faster than the bes 11
LEN faster 5
EXPRESS the fastest one 11
HIMEDIA fastest 1
RELIANCE MOBILE fastest 16, 38
RELIANCE MOBILE fastest 3g 41
ROSETTA STONE the fastest 9
JAY HO fastfood +plant 43
NINELEVEN fastfood +fork 30
fastfood 43
M MAGIC zip fastner 26
BON premium zip fastners 26
EMF eminent fastners 6
KING zip fastners +king 26
KTX belt fastners 6
MTM zip fastners 26
P.S.M. fastners +hand 6
fat JUMP 31
ANANDA VEDA low fat granule 5
ANANT BHOG mild fat +cow 29
ARANI bakers fat 29
DR. MODY'S fat to fit centr 42
ENASA mild fat +cows 3
FOCUSED fat reduction 10
GEF CHILLO special fat 29
GIRDHAR GOPAL mild fat +ova 29
HARSH FRESH edible fat +ova 29
JIVO CANOLA 93% fat free 29
JOLLY fat-go +plant 35
KDN fat mukti 5, 30
MAHARSHI fat kill 5
MEEK fat 29
NB MOWRAH fat 29
NB SAL fat 29
NBD SAL fat 29
NOVA GOLD mild fat +lamp 3
PARAS GOLD mild fat 3
PARASNATH edible fat +ribbo 29
PRAGYA natural edible fat 29
PUSPDANT edible veg fat 29
TRIM fat & weight loss 41
VIJAYA low fat cream +cow 29
VIJAYA low fat milk +cow 29
VRINDA MEHTA'S low fat 30
VRINDA MEHTA'S low fat +ova 30
fatat al yemen +woman 24
fatfree RABBITS +rabbit 31
TEZ khabre fathafat 38
GIPPY'S RECORD +father & so 25
fatima's SAHIBAA +woman 16
RASASHRAM fatless +flower 5
free of trans fats +circle 30
INTUIT bath faucet 11
ISHIKA bath faucet 11
VIJAA exclusive bath faucet 11
GAVIL luxury bath faucets 11
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